If anyone is challenged in trying to set up an office it is me, Mary Cathleen, who has spent
a lifetime trying to clear the bats from her own personal belfry.
When we bought Quickbooks for Mac in Rapid City, S.D. there was no small amount of anxiety felt by each of us as we tried to find someone who could assure us we were getting a program that would work with with our Mac, especially since returning the software involved a 250 mile trip one way. Finally we were satisfied that there was no Quick Books Pro (for Mac) that our accountant recommended and went with Quick Books Accounting -Mac 2009. We thought we were all set and that every base was covered that could be covered. WRONG! We were right that there was no QB Pro but beyond that, -- FAIL!
When we got home and tried to load the software onto the system it wouldn't load. Message was Mac OSX was inadequate. Of course Jim was not happy and was thinking money was wasted or imagining we had to buy a bigger Mac. But I have faith in Apple and I called the tech number and VOILA! We could get an update to OSX Leopard for $29.00, and the techie sent it right out. So, now the Mac update is on, and Quick Books is Loaded on for the farm account and all that is needed now is a for me to be a bear with a bit of a brain to learn all of it's nuances.
Our C.P.A., Garrett, tried to give me a crash course in five minutes or less when he advised us to use this method of accounting, but the man is a member of Mensa who undoubtedly glanced at it once and was delighted with the program.
**** Update re this post: Mission accomplished, and all farm account activity was posted to QB and successfully transferred to Garrett for tax purposes.
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